
The image of a vagina is mostly non-existent in the art world. It’s often seen as too taboo rather than the powerful muse that she is. Yet how can something so exquisite, human and vital not inspire great works of art?


In April 2021, artist, activist and naturalist Marisa Papen shared her vagina, her Flower of Life (uncensored), with the world as an NFT, counter-culturing our current community guidelines. It was the first ever NFT of a vagina — a historic and powerful statement. With this evocative piece she furthers her quest to free ourselves from misconception and shame in the ongoing cultural war against the human body.

To further explore this message, Earth Family has commissioned & brought together a group of 13 international artists to produce a collection of interpretations called Flowers of Life. By gathering these different visions and distinct lenses we aspire to push this vital cultural conversation forward & transform our beliefs around the vagina.